I wonder when we truly began to believe that focusing on problems gained us a solution. Is it maybe our human need to suffer that makes us feel as if we are unworthy of relaxing and trusting an answer will be given? I have been finding it increasingly disheartening how we celebrate struggle in this generation like it earns us a level of respect that could not be gained by having unwavering faith that we will continue to be provided for. Continue being the key word because it was not our efforts alone that brought us to where we are, and it definitely was not the struggle that gave us what we currently have. All the struggle provided us with was a pessimistic and exhausted point of view to see the world. If we had taken the same journey and decided not to engross ourselves in thinking we had to solve every problem, we still would have gotten to this point but with a happier disposition and less emotional baggage. It is a hope of mine that we will learn to exercise our spiritual muscles and confront situations with faith rather than strain ourselves mentally and physically running back and forth trying to play “Creator.” You could not fathom the orchestration at work, so why interrupt it with your two cents? Relax, you can never get it wrong, and honestly you will never get it done. Life is one endless lesson with different segments you chose to hone in on and categorize as good or bad based off what you have perceived so far, but your vision is too limited for you to know what works for you and what does not. You do not have to see to believe, you must believe in order to see. So just keep trusting all is constantly well and watch your surroundings reflect that.
You are loved by something greater than anything you could ever fear, so you have already won the battle.
In fact, the battle never existed.
You better say that!! Thank you for expressing yourself this way. Your points really remarkable.